Sheets on Sheets on Sheets

After a few requests, I’ve built out a series of cheat sheets for a few of the tools I help actively develop- PowerView, PowerUp, and Empire. I hope to illustrate the full functionality available in each tool and provide a quick reference for new adopters (as well as seasoned operators). PDF versions of these will be kept in a master repository at under the Creative Commons v3 “Attribution” License. They are versioned in the footnotes and I will them appropriately as time goes on.

Note: PowerView and PowerUp are in the process of being integrated into the PowerSploit repository. The links in the current sheets note where the eventual locations will be, but these two tools still reside in PowerTools for the next few weeks until the transition is completed.







We’ll have copies of these printed out for anyone who takes one of our training classes. And if anyone finds a mistake or has a good suggestion for the sheets, let me know (will [at] or harmj0y in #psempire) and I’ll buy you a beer the next time we cross paths at a con!

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